Indonesian church closure raises religious freedom concerns
Christians in West Java celebrated another Christmas in private, their church still closed despite support from Indonesia's president and a Supreme Court ruling in their favour.
By Pradipta Lakshmi for Khabar Southeast Asia in Jakarta -- 07/01/12
It is not far removed from the Communist Philosophy (PKI). They may be distinguished by their organization name but by not allowing other religions to worship, they are savage communists.
February 12, 2014 @ 12:02:26AM
When Muslims are the minority, they always promote Islam as a religion of peace, a blessing for all creation. When Muslims become the majority and strong in arms, militant Muslims fight infidels in the name of jihad.
A caliph is freely chosen by Muslims everywhere for his wisdom and spiritual qualifications. The ISIL leader's proclamation of himself as caliph over all Muslims violates the principles of Islam.
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