Indonesian police should work with Islamic leaders, say MPs

June 08, 2013
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JAKARTA, Indonesia – Zis Muzahid Hasan, a House of Representatives lawmaker, called Tuesday (June 4th) for police to step up communication with Islamic groups to prevent misunderstandings in pesantrens or other Islamic schools about issues related to terrorism, Antara reported.

  • Indonesians visit the Golden Dome mosque in Depok on Wednesday (June 5th). Deding Isaac, an MP from the Golkar party, said Tuesday it is up to Islamic organisations to take the lead in combating terrorism by preaching the true understanding of Islam, which rejects violence. [Adek Berry/AFP]

    Indonesians visit the Golden Dome mosque in Depok on Wednesday (June 5th). Deding Isaac, an MP from the Golkar party, said Tuesday it is up to Islamic organisations to take the lead in combating terrorism by preaching the true understanding of Islam, which rejects violence. [Adek Berry/AFP]

"We asked the police to continue to build communication with Islamic organisations, so there is no misunderstanding in combating terrorism," said Zis, an MP from the Fraksi Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa who serves on Commission I in the House.

He added that the majority of Muslim organisations such as Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, and others should be invited to participate actively in the fight against terrorism, particularly as it relates to the understanding of jihad.

"NU and Muhammadiyah need to talk in order to prevent terrorism," Zis said.

Separately, Deding Isaac, a Golkar party member who serves on Commission III, voiced similar sentiments, telling Republika that Muslims are routinely blamed for any acts of terrorism.

"This is the wrong impression," he explained, adding terrorists always profess their Islamic faith, while in actuality, their actions reflect a lack of understanding of Islam.

"Figures from NU and Muhammadiyah must be involved in terrorism prevention to correct these misguided religious understandings. The problem of terrorism must be addressed collectively by all components of the nation."


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    • Helena
      June 8, 2013 @ 05:06:25AM
    • Islam or not Islam, if they make trouble and violate the law they need to be dealt with. The police cannot be biased. It's simple.

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