Khabar Southeast Asia

Slain suspected terrorists to undergo autopsy in Jakarta

July 25, 2013

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- National Police spokesman Ronny F. Sompie said on Tuesday (July 23rd) that two suspected terrorists killed Monday in Tulungagung, East Java, will undergo autopsies in Jakarta, local media reported.

The two, identified as Dayat and Rizal, were killed in a shootout with Detachments 88 counterterrorism agents on Pahlawan in Kedungwaru, Tulungagung. Two others, identified as accomplices, were arrested and are being interrogated, The Jakarta Post reported.

The four had allegedly carried out a string of robberies to finance terror acts orchestrated by Indonesia's most-wanted fugitive, Santoso, in Poso.

"They are targeting a broader area, and it is still under development. We are still investigating. We have not revealed [all the findings] to the public." East Java Police Chief Inspector General Unggung Cahyono told

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