Another teacher killed in Narathiwat

October 03, 2012
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NARATHIWAT, Thailand – A manhunt continued Tuesday (October 2nd) in Narathiwat's Rangae district for the killers of a teacher gunned down in a drive-by shooting Monday evening, local media reported. Police suspect insurgents killed Komsan Chomyong, 40, a 6th grade teacher at a local elementary school, as he travelled by motorcycle along a roadway.

  • Forensics Police collect evidence at the scene of the fatal shooting of government school teacher Komsan Chomyong, 40, on a roadside in Rangae district, Narathiwat on Monday (October 1st). [Rapee Mana/Khabar]

    Forensics Police collect evidence at the scene of the fatal shooting of government school teacher Komsan Chomyong, 40, on a roadside in Rangae district, Narathiwat on Monday (October 1st). [Rapee Mana/Khabar]

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The Nation reported that the shooting has further demoralised teachers in the Deep South province, forcing the abrupt cancellation of classes. Komsan was the 152nd person in the education sector killed in Narathiwat since 2004. Sanguan Indharak, president of the Teachers' Federation of Narathiwat, said final exams may be postponed this semester, given the threats facing teachers and their students.


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