Agreed! Ecotourism is the best way to presreve where one lives and control what happens to your land. Once you let multi-national corporations in, they will try to take over. Hold on to your land & culture and be true to your values.
abhdul kasim
December 23, 2013 @ 05:12:25AM
Alhamdulillah, this written work will complete the inspiration for the efforts that I will build with society. Greetings, I am a graduate student studying Natural Resource and Environmental Management. Ten years ago I worked as a field officer for Care International Indonesia South East Sulawesi and at that time I worked with the people of Penanggotu in managing forests and working towards the conservation of an untouched patch of land (100 m to the left and 100 m to the right of a river) at the foot of Mount Mendoke, a part of the forest ecosystem at the Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park. In 2006 I left the Penanggotu Village and later in 2013 I had a chance to meet again with the people there. I saw many changes (at least what I felt). The faith and the drive to protect their environment had started to wane and this is why i ask for your ideas. I think that creating an eco-tourism business is the best way to prove that besides the ecological benefits there are financial benefits to being serious about maintaining the environment and conserving the forest.
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