Manila-based foundation announces regional honourees

July 26, 2013
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MANILA, Philippines -- The Manila-based Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation announced on Wednesday (July 24th) that Afghanistan's first and only female provincial governor and an aid worker from Burma's Kachin minority are among the winners of this year's prestigious awards, AFP reported.

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    The award, named after a popular Filipino president who was killed in a plane crash, was established in 1957 to honour people or groups who change communities in Asia for the better.

    Both Habiba Sarabi, governor of the Afghan province of Bamyan, and Burmese aid worker Lahpai Seng Raw refused to allow their minority origins to stop them from empowering other people, the foundation said.

    Filipino healthcare pioneer Ernesto Domingo, the Nepalese anti-human trafficking organisation Shakti Samuha (Power Group), and the Indonesian anti-corruption group Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (Corruption Eradication Commission) will also be honoured at the awards ceremony on August 31st.

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