Malaysia issues dengue warning as cases spike

November 06, 2013
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KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – A health official on Monday (November 4th) warned citizens to take steps to eliminate mosquito breeding spots as dengue fever cases spiked.

  • A municipal council worker dispenses insecticide in residential Gombak on Tuesday (November 5th). A Malaysian health official warned citizens Monday to eliminate mosquito breeding spots as dengue fever cases have spiked this year. [Mohd Rasfan/AFP]

    A municipal council worker dispenses insecticide in residential Gombak on Tuesday (November 5th). A Malaysian health official warned citizens Monday to eliminate mosquito breeding spots as dengue fever cases have spiked this year. [Mohd Rasfan/AFP]

The number of reported cases of the infection, which causes severe fever, headaches and joint pain and can trigger fatal haemorrhaging and death, soared compared to last year. Related deaths have doubled.

Between January and late October, 28,200 cases and 60 deaths were recorded, according to government statistics. There were 17,800 cases and 29 deaths during the same period last year.

Officials said a key factor was frequent heavy downpours in recent weeks.

Lokman Hakim Sulaiman, who heads the health ministry's public health division, said the ministry was calling on all Malaysians to "destroy all the breeding places," such as illegal dump sites.

"The problem with dengue is that we don't have enough tools to manage the situation. It's a global challenge," he said.

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