Cyclone ravages Haiyan victims' shelters

January 22, 2014
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MANILA, Philippines – The UN warned Monday (January 20th) that more needed to be done to help millions displaced by Super Typhoon Haiyan after a new cyclone tore down shelters, AFP reported.

More than 1,000 Haiyan survivors fled to government buildings in Guiuan as the storm flattened tents and ripped roofing off other temporary shelters.

A UN aid appeal for nearly $800 million last month for Haiyan relief is about 42% funded, but the component for shelters was "only a fifth funded", said Russell Geekie, spokesman for the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

The government said the new storm killed at least 40 people in Mindanao.

But in nearby Guiuan, up to 30 tents collapsed, while standing water also soaked through the floors of others, said Murad Ullah, the local operations chief for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

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