Jakartans support Ahok, reject FPI protests

The Islamic Defenders Front's (FPI) riotous opposition to Jakarta's incoming governor falls on deaf ears.

By Andhika Bhakti for Khabar Southeast Asia in Jakarta

October 08, 2014
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Indonesians have a message for incoming Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama ("Ahok") and for Islamic Defenders Front extremists who oppose his ascendancy: this is our democracy.

  •  Members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) protest September 24th outside parliament against Jakarta's Vice Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). [Adek Berry/AFP]

    Members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) protest September 24th outside parliament against Jakarta's Vice Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). [Adek Berry/AFP]

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Indonesians began speaking out after nearly 1,000 white-uniformed FPI members marched to Jakarta City Hall on September 24th, and on Friday (October 3rd) rioted outside the same venue, injuring ten police officers.

They oppose Ahok, an ethnic Chinese Christian, succeeding President-Elect Joko Widodo as Jakarta governor, even though he was elected as deputy governor in September 2012.

"This is our democracy. We are part of this process," Jakarta cleric Ahmad Afrizal told Khabar Southeast Asia, suggesting FPI members return home. "We should give our best support to Ahok so he can do a good job for Jakarta and to improve our welfare as citizens and not to create segregation over ethnic conflict."

At the September 24th and October 3rd demonstrations, FPI protesters carried banners scrawled with "Ahok, shut your mouth "or "Muslims in Jakarta don't need Ahok".

"Most people in Jakarta are Muslims, and his leadership is unlawful according to Islamic law," said FPI supporter Safiq Sudharmanto.

Ahmad said that as Indonesian citizens, Jakarta residents must accept Ahok.

"As Muslims we are unhappy to see this FPI protest ongoing," Ahmad continued. "FPI is also using Islam for reasons for protest and this is wrong. Our religion does not teach us to do violent action."

Jakarta police spokesman Rikwanto said the force had anticipated the demonstrations, and prohibited protestors from carrying sharp weapons, dangerous tools or explosive materials.

The FPI made two demands – that the Home Affairs Ministry not inaugurate Ahok and that City Council allow a referendum to elect Jakarta's next governor after Jokowi steps down on October 20th.

But constitutional expert Bayu Dwi Anggono said there is nothing that hinders Ahok from becoming governor of Jakarta.

"According to the law No 12, 2008, passage 26 clearly states that the deputy governor will become governor when the governor is unable to remain because of death, an accepted resignation by the head of parliament, or dismissal," Bayu told Khabar. "So there is no reason that Ahok should not be governor until the next election."

"We are all Indonesians"

Ahok said he was not surprised by the FPI protest, but vowed that he would handle his duties and not be intimidated by intolerance.

"I have been through these ethnic and religious attacks since I was a Belitung district leader," Ahok told Khabar. "Imagine, the population of my constituents was 98% Muslim. But I worked hard. People after a while know my commitment and despite being a Chinese descendant and Christian, I am Indonesian."

Looking forward, Ahok said that citizens "should not fear anyone who has a good effort and good attitude for Indonesia.

"I will do my best, and I will put aside any intimidation posed by people that do not have tolerance. After all, we are all Indonesians regardless of religious and ethnic background," he said.

Jakarta resident Harnang Widodo, 43, said that while FPI is entitled to protest, it is not allowed to be violent.

"They have to respect the final decision made by higher officials such as the Home Ministry," Harnang told Khabar. "In this country, we have laws to respect, and FPI should do the same thing."

Make the life choices that bring freedom!

Reader Comments
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    • radev
      November 11, 2014 @ 03:11:56AM
    • If FPI is disbanded, there would be no control. Allow FPI to exist, they have a right to be an organization. There is no issue with Ahok being governor, it is not a problem.
    • nani tebar fakta
      November 10, 2014 @ 08:11:12PM
    • If Muslims want Islamic law in Indonesia, why not give the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to those who made the agreement to form Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, who were the youths from regional elements. For example, the youths of Ambon, the youths of Bali, the youths of Batak, etc. who gave rise to the Youth Pledge. If Islam is always made the priority over diversity, then the non-Muslim islands and tribes that support the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia should make themselves independent from Indonesia which has supported diversity.
    • folkes " ROTE"
      November 10, 2014 @ 08:11:23PM
    • Remember, this country comprises many minorities, not many majorities, okay!
    • rony bae
      November 10, 2014 @ 08:11:44AM
    • Jakarta has been led by Muslims many times and how much has been achieved? Now, let's try someone who is not a Muslim, and let's look at the results.
    • putu asiagama
      November 10, 2014 @ 03:11:38AM
    • I am rather confused, what right does FPI have to demand the resignation of an official? What do they know about the regulations around the termination and appointment of a governor? The central government should take a stance, this is not right. It is wrong to keep letting this happen. How many times has FPI created problems and were dealt with by the police? Yet, this organization still acts like it represents Muslims and represents society when in reality, it doesn't.
    • Sofyan Djajaatmadja
      November 10, 2014 @ 02:11:54AM
    • Hail, my brothers in the FPI, you would do well to remember that Indonesia is not an Islamic country, rather, it is a country with a society comprising of many religions and many ethnic groups. It needs to be remembered also that Indonesia's independence was won not as a gift but through a struggle that included a number of non-Muslims and also various ethnic groups. My brothers in the FPI, don't boast in the name of religion, among the corrupt in Indonesia, there are many who are...
    • mahmudi asmuna
      November 9, 2014 @ 11:11:09PM
    • What is more important, a leader who is Islamic or a leader who embodies Islam?
    • sandi lesmono
      November 9, 2014 @ 10:11:47PM
    • FPI is the same as terrorists, using religion as a mask. Just look, FPI members are thugs who work for takeaway rice. If they don't protests, where would they get food and money? FPI is a bunch of hypocrites.
    • Marihot tambunan
      November 9, 2014 @ 07:11:41PM
    • Disband the FPI, crush the FPI. Don't be afraid of the FPI, Mr. Policeman, because the people of Indonesia are prepared to defend the police in eradicating FPI in Idonesia.
    • hsmuhammad
      November 9, 2014 @ 06:11:48PM
    • The FPI are selfish, Indonesia is not an Islamic country but Islamic principles are carried out well. It is not the Islam of FPI, what we want is an Islam that is a blessing for all creation, comforting, peaceful, courteous and with a praiseworthy character.
    • suwarno regi
      November 8, 2014 @ 09:11:52PM
    • Keep it up, Hok, what matters is to work hard for the prosperity of the people. If someone from the FPI wants to come forward, run as a candidate in the next term. The people will determine what happens, OK.
    • zaenudin
      November 7, 2014 @ 06:11:26AM
    • What distinguishes humans in the eyes of Allah is their faith.
    • agus
      November 7, 2014 @ 04:11:40AM
    • I think that Ahok, even though he is of Chinese descent and a Christian, has a great sense of nationalism. The FPI should think and learn about the minorities, who have great spirit for the nation and people.
    • asrul asani
      November 6, 2014 @ 02:11:05PM
    • I challenge the people who consider themselves part of the FPI to fight against Muslims but those who also behave like infidels. How about it? Do you have the guts? An example would be the corrupt Muslims who steal. Do you have the courage to drag these corrupt people and cut off their hands?
    • surung kristo tamba
      November 6, 2014 @ 12:11:22PM
    • I think every person has a right to become a leader whatever their ethnic group, culture, race, and especially religion. Do not be a destructive hindrance. Continue your fight, sir. I am certain you will be able to be the leader that many people want in Indonesia. I am sure Mr. Ahok is capable.
    • Mathias Djawa
      November 6, 2014 @ 07:11:47AM
    • If FPI is allowed to continue, it is entirely possible that we will see something akin to the Taliban in Afghanistan.
    • anyar
      November 6, 2014 @ 07:11:54AM
    • Islam does not need to be defended, it is Islam that will defend all of us followers of the Prophet. What we need are Allah's beloveds, not the loved ones of FPI. So, FPI's presence on Indonesian soil is really nothing of significance, let Ahok lead Jakarta according to the laws that apply. Do you have a problem with that?
    • papuanak
      November 10, 2014 @ 08:11:17AM
    • We know that the FPI who carry out the anarchic protests in Jakarta are not true Muslims but only as devout as stated on their ID cards. They get involved to advance their interests. Don't use religion, Indonesia is not an Islamic country. You need to know that Jakarta is not a city for counterfeit Islam. You need to learn about Unity in Diversity. You are a Muslim, don't use the name of religion, not all Muslims have rotten hearts like the people of Jakarta.
    • dedikusnadi
      November 6, 2014 @ 04:11:39AM
    • A H O K Anything He achieves will surely be OK because he works from his heart and pays attention to the people. Hopefully he becomes a good example for officials who are entrusted with taking care of the people. Ha ha ha, they need to have a sense of shame, if you are incompetent, just resign, that would be better. But if you do alright then we support you, right, right, right? Hooray!
    • asamson
      November 5, 2014 @ 12:11:54PM
    • Many Muslims, particularly in Jakarta have no brains, only following their desires, wearing headscarves but dancing around and bobbing their heads, they like to kiss people on the cheeks. This is a sign their heads are empty and their hearts are dead, especially the ones wearing shorts, getting more and more depraved by the day. This is the result of a Pancasila that is not in line with history. Pancasila should only be for matters of tolerance and have one religion, Islam, lead. Pancasila is small, why should it impose upon religion, particularly Islam, the scope of which is universal including the afterlife, to be shoehorned into it? What has happened is that Islam has been picked apart like Makrifat, Haqiqat, Tariqa, and all that is left is the Sharia, carried out by Abu Jahal; around the Kaaba there are statues so that people who walk around the Kaaba also walk around the statues. The meaning: worship is worship but it is carried out in debauchery (so that they feel good and appear tolerant) Clerics of Pancasila = on call/made-to-order clerics. Most do not preach religion, of course they feel good, they don't think so much about religion towards a pure Tauhid. I'm sorry, the Pancasila of today has created prostitutes, crazy people with rotten hearts, including many government clerics who mix religion with the filth of the world.
    • Wens
      November 5, 2014 @ 07:11:41AM
    • Many people feel like they are able, but only a few can know what it feels like.
    • adidjaja
      November 5, 2014 @ 04:11:01AM
    • Don't judge someone by their appearance, religion, tribe, wealth and office. Rather, look at their behavior and their responsibility towards the people and the Almighty God. Whoever leads Jakarta, what is paramount is that they are honest, assertive, formidable, and arrogant if necessary, only then can they succeed. We will see the results in the next three years, OK?
    • Muwahidun
      November 5, 2014 @ 12:11:13AM
    • I am very concerned about Muslims, specifically Indonesian Muslims. Hopefully they open their eyes and learn about an Islam that is whole on the laws regarding the appointment of a leader. For this matter, Allah has given guidance and direction as it is written in QS 5 : 51 Al Maidah (5) -Verse 51- O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as (your) leaders. They are leaders of others. Whoever among you takes them as leader, then indeed, he is one of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. . The question is "a Muslims who appoints Ahok as leader is one of them, in other words, their faith is put into question".
    • Th Dwi Suryaningrum
      November 5, 2014 @ 12:11:18AM
    • A person of faith is someone who can respect God's creations, whoever they are and whatever they are. I see Allah in every person Allah created, whether it is an official, a businessman, a beggar, especially in those who are destitute and poor. If you claim to having faith then you should not pigeonhole every human created by God. Those who do that are the infidels.
    • Fatamorgana
      November 5, 2014 @ 12:11:48AM
    • It needs to be emphasized that FPI has never entertained the notion to represent any group, let alone Muslims in Jakarta. I too am a Muslim but I do not approve of the arrogant actions by the FPI and Ahok has not made any mistakes that would warrant their ire. FPI must also consider that many people who claim to be Muslims also commit corruption. The FPI do this because they are being paid by those who disguise themselves as Islam. Na'udzubillah min dzalik.
    • Nur Fatimah
      November 4, 2014 @ 08:11:22PM
    • The FPI will not accept someone from a minority group becoming the leader of the majority group, especially a non-Muslim. According to their faith this is something that has to be upheld even if it puts their life on the line. This is why they persist in challenging Ahok.
    • wory
      November 10, 2014 @ 12:11:46AM
    • Strongly agree...
    • mirnah
      November 10, 2014 @ 08:11:02AM
    • Nur Fatimah Stop saying things like that, there are no issues between minority and the majority groups. That which gives you breath and determines your fate is the Creator of both you and I. He is a minority but if Allah has chosen and the laws support it, we have no choice but to accept it. What right do you have? Does the country belong to you Muslims?
    • Ritha Sukmeini
      November 4, 2014 @ 05:11:55PM
    • i think all of the leader is the same, they have authority to welfare of their people. Ahok selected by Jakarta's residents so it means that ahok is good leader.
    • dedi kurniawan
      November 4, 2014 @ 04:11:48PM
    • Leaders are reflections of the people. If the people are good, Allah willing, they will get a good leader. Fix ourselves first and Allah willing we will get a good leader.
    • ysf
      November 4, 2014 @ 12:11:48PM
    • Why must we always argue about religion when there are much more important things. Moreover, we must work together with the government to find out how we can make our beloved nation, the nation of Indonesia, into a strong and great nation. We want our nation to progress to become a great nation and stop discriminating against religions and races. Remember that our nation consists of unity in diversity. Come, brothers and sisters, let us hold hands to build our beloved nation of Indonesia. If we really love Indonesia, we should work together to build this nation.
    • kang gareng
      November 4, 2014 @ 12:11:23PM
    • Ahok is more firm, his work shows, the results are evident. Compare Mr. Ahok with how things were five years ago, it doesn't even come close. To all you protesters, be wise, use your religious knowledge for the good of the faithful. The teachings of the Prophet is very noble, open the history of the Prophet, understand it, appreciate it and carry it out. Remember, good clothes are not necessarily worn by good people. The good will be seen and the bad will show. May you always be successful, honorable Mr. Ahok.
      November 4, 2014 @ 12:11:52PM
    • Holding protests is all well and good, but don't impose your will like that. Ahok has been democratically chosen by the people of Jakarta. FPI should wait until the next local election to see if your vote beats out Ahok's votes.
    • azam
      November 4, 2014 @ 10:11:47AM
    • Hahaha. To the FPI, in the Qur'an, does it say that we should always engage in criminal actions as you have been doing all this time? If so, in which chapter and verse? As we all know, wherever they hold protests the FPI always engages in anarchy, bringing the name of religion to boot. Islam is peaceful, bro, remember that. Are you really Muslims or not? If you feel like a Muslim, you would act according to the teachings of Islam, not doing criminal acts like vicious animals.
    • semangat
      November 4, 2014 @ 09:11:47AM
    • This country is the Republic of Indonesia, not an Islamic country. Therefore, all citizens must abide by the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. Ahok must become DKI 1.
    • indro
      November 4, 2014 @ 08:11:39AM
    • I advise the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to drive out FPI leaders who are Arabs, send the home to Saudi Arabia rather than having them become troublesome and inciting riots in Indonesia. Arabs need to know their place. If you live in Indonesia you serve the motherland, for example: Quraish Shihab, the late Ali Alatas, Anies Baswedan and his father. They are respectable people of Arab descent who give their services and loyalty to the motherland.
    • Eventi Natalina Parhusip
      November 4, 2014 @ 08:11:29AM
    • We are one people, the people of Indonesia, we should not bring each other down. Rather, let us work together with spirit so that the country of Indonesia can be a progressive country and not just a developing country.
    • bpk.fuad
      November 4, 2014 @ 06:11:23AM
    • A Confucian Chinese died in 1967. He was buried in a Chinese grave site which we know resembles a boat on waves of earth. When the area was excavated for road expansion, there was one grave in which the body remained whole, only its shroud had deteriorated. It surprised not only the staff and family but all the people in Lubuk Muda village, Bukit Batu district, Riau were also dumbstruck by the event. An elderly Muslim man who was questioned by reporters explained that he knew the Chinese person. All through life that Chinese person would give charity to Muslims who came and shopped at his store. The charity he gave was to add to the goods that were bought after they had been weighed. That is what he did throughout his life as a boss. After being dead for decades his body remained whole, just like the body of a Muslim who has the Al-Qur'an committed to memory. Think about it.
    • Baveto
      November 4, 2014 @ 05:11:16AM
    • Hey, FPI, don't bring the name of Islam in your evil deeds. Islam does not need a defender. Which Islam are you defending? It is actually your existence that is bringing down Islam in the eyes of the world. Members of the FPI, come back to the righteous path, don't be influenced by people who are proud to be called Habib. They are criminals under the mask of turbans. What they do is anarchy, they are not happy to see this country secure and peaceful. Leave this country, FPI! If you want to defend Islam, go to Palestine, face Israel, leave Ahok alone, you will face true Muslims who uphold peace and religious tolerance.
    • ahbabuz zahro
      November 11, 2014 @ 01:11:41AM
    • All of you who claim to be Muslims, please learn once again on what Islam is, especially on leadership. Do not sell out your religion with worldly things.
    • Baveto
      November 4, 2014 @ 05:11:39AM
    • I'm a Muslim who reject the FPI in this country. Support Ahok and eliminate the FPI, down to its roots. FPI is not true Islam but a counterfeit and does not understand the principles and sharia. Long live Ahok, eradicate the FPI, give them no place in our homeland, especially in Jakarta.
    • Bang
      November 4, 2014 @ 04:11:45AM
    • The true principles of FPI and its members are making money and to have food, however they adopt the guise of religion in their methods, and even take on the role of judges. It seems their members don't have honest occupations. The input of intellectuals become meaningless to them. In other words, it is no use talking to stubborn, stupid people with their own limited principles and horizons who cannot distinguish between matters of religion, state, plurality, or the personal and public sphere. Therefore, though it will be ignored, I wish to say: change, people of FPI!
    • rajik sidik
      November 4, 2014 @ 03:11:04AM
    • The FPI are hypocritical human beings, rotten human beings, unworthy of living among society. You should be living in the jungle. You claim to be Islam and yet your deeds are the same as those of demons/devils. Learn to become true Muslims, I felt disgusted by you (FPI) in a broadcast by TV ONE (ILC), you deem yourselves equal to Prophets when your behavior is full of wickedness. The behavior of criminals in prison are better than yours. The government must be assertive, disband the FPI. Our country is not an Islamic country, Islamic sharia and Islamic law apply in Islamic countries. Our country is based on the Pancasila ideology, abiding by Constitutional law, not Islamic law.
    • aris
      November 3, 2014 @ 11:11:24AM
    • O children of the nation, I hope that you will not discriminate based on differences of faith. Let us compete for the advancement of the nation, whether we are Muslim, Christian or any of the others. In any case, many Muslim officials are also corrupt. In reality, we Muslims are ashamed of what have happened. Give someone else a chance to bring progress to the nation regardless of their religion.
    • marapu
      November 3, 2014 @ 09:11:08AM
    • Rise up, Mr. Ahok, if you're using discipline for the sake of future prosperity of the nation, I agree.
    • idrus bahasyim
      November 3, 2014 @ 06:11:42AM
    • FPI, I love you, keep it up but don't be anarchic.
    • simson
      November 3, 2014 @ 04:11:07AM
    • I as a Christian I do not fully blame the FPI. There are those in FPI who are correct, Ahok's attitude can sometimes be too arrogant and not gentle. The point is the FPI and I share a way of thinking. I approve of Ahok, build Jakarta, keep on going forward. The people support you, our country is democratic and we accept you.
    • Cak.Mad.Suroboyo
      November 3, 2014 @ 02:11:36AM
    • It would be better if FPI was disbanded. Before Islam entered Indonesia, specifically Java, there was already a religion called Sapto Darmo or in other words, a belief system and if FPI imposes anarchy, do not hope that we true Javanese (native) would fight against FPI which was created by non-Indonesian (Javanese) natives. It is clear in my opinion that FPI is damaging the Pancasila. I urge all Indonesians not to be influenced by the FPI who are ruining our country. Once again, we Javanese (Indonesians) reject the FPI in Indonesia. Disband them.
    • adi
      November 3, 2014 @ 02:11:26AM
    • Mr. Habib, I'll be brief. I would like you to explain the meaning of "Islam is a religion that is a blessing for all creation".
    • agus
      November 3, 2014 @ 01:11:04AM
    • Don't bee to hasty, FPI, let it proceed according to the laws that apply, we will see the result after it has been done.
    • santoso
      November 2, 2014 @ 10:11:11AM
    • We Muslims feel insulted because Ahok has insulted Islam, so he must resign. There are Muslims who support Ahok, maybe they are members of JIL or stupid Muslims of Muslims whose hearts have become evil.
    • Peaceful
      November 7, 2014 @ 11:11:44AM
    • Hey, Santoso, we infidels/non-Muslims never hold protests even though we are insulted, we infidels even pray for the good of those who wrong us because the God of the infidels is on the side of those whose hearts are sincere.
    • yan
      November 2, 2014 @ 09:11:24AM
    • Brothers and sisters, particularly those who always vilify FPI, you need to remember why they (FPI) do these things, there must be a certain reason. Pardon me, particularly the Muslims. It is sad if you also hate the FPI. That is why Ahok needs to be reminded to mind what he says when he does something. I continue to support the FPI who fight to prevent wickedness on Indonesian soil.
    • Sudiyono Yakobus
      November 2, 2014 @ 06:11:36AM
    • Mr. Ahok, you will become stronger/tougher and dedicated in facing facts of life like the FPI protests. We the people of Indonesia support you. May you be successful. Regards from Jatisarono Nanggulan Kulonprogo.
    • Rita
      November 2, 2014 @ 03:11:58AM
    • The one that needs to be disbanded is the FBI because their actions have violated the principles of Islam. Islam is beautiful and respectable.
    • a.harnas
      November 2, 2014 @ 01:11:22AM
    • Ahok is among those elected by the people of Jakarta, why are people protesting his appointment as governor? These are laws that need to be protected. But, it is true that the people of Jakarta made a mistake. Why elect Jokowi with Ahok at his side who is a non-Muslim? FPI is great from the perspective of Islam, they do not want to be led by a non-Muslim because there are Islamic principles that are against people following regulations of non-Muslims. We are the ones who don't understand Islam, Islam only as far as our IDs show. Only in Indonesia are minorities spoiled. Look at other countries that are non-Muslim like the Philippines, Islamic minorities are being degraded, marginalized, outcast, they even make it hard for them to pray, let alone build a mosque. It is the same in Vietnam, the same in Thailand, Islamic minorities are degraded, there is no room to be free. In Indonesia, with democracy, the minorities are truly happy, free to gain power, plan missions and Muslims are supporting them. FPI must stay strong, follow your mission so that the spirit of Islam can ring out in this country of makeshift democracy.
    • Bambang Widjanarko
      November 10, 2014 @ 07:11:08PM
    • Let us look at our nation (the Indonesian Nation) as a whole, to live in harmony, to share in our nation and country with its various tribes and ethnic groups, these things are what hold the nation together. Look at the spirit of the Youth Pledge, our highly pluralistic nation. Whoever the best child of the nation is, they are allowed to and can legitimately become a leader in line with the laws regardless of their tribe or religion...
    • musmuliadi
      November 1, 2014 @ 10:11:54PM
    • Don't let FPI cause Muslims to engage in anarchy.
    • Muslimin Makassar
      November 1, 2014 @ 12:11:04PM
    • I am also a Muslim, from my name alone anyone would know I am a Muslim. I would not approve of Ahok if he had been elected through corruption, collusion or nepotism, but I am certain that Ahok as governor of Jakarta will be able to bring due progress to the city of Jakarta. You people of the FPI, prepare to have your orations fall on deaf ears, perhaps by next month you would have been put out of commission. The FPI are not Muslims but are incarnations of evil sent down by God. Therefore, Mr. Ahok, you don't need to hesitate. Keep on going forward, I am prepared to die if FPI bothers you.
    • ida yuniar
      November 1, 2014 @ 11:11:47AM
    • Keep on going, Mr. Ahok, pay no attention to the FPI who just like to hold protest in the name of the Islamic religion. Which Islam is that?
    • supiyonokasmokasdiman
      November 1, 2014 @ 09:11:31AM
    • Friendly Indonesia Greetings, Our political system, in the succession of leadership, has been determined through a process of direct democratic elections. This time, with the election of our brother Ahok as leader, we should be accepting, even if it does not sit well with our conscience because it is not in line with the demands of our religion, Islam. Take it honorably the next time when the opportunity comes, in a democratic competition. Prepare victory through: Making oneself into a perfect Muslim, one who practices an Islam that is whole, in accordance with the demands and methods through the work of Muslims, prove that Islam is a religion that is a blessing for all creation. Let us do our best, gain the highest achievements wherever we are, fix our deeds and actions that are counterproductive to an Indonesia in progress.
    • Sari
      November 1, 2014 @ 07:11:17AM
    • Keep on going, Mr. Ahok. We on behalf of the Indonesian people support you because what you will do for the people of Indonesia is not only meant for just one religion.
    • yus safrudin
      November 1, 2014 @ 06:11:20AM
    • I think that Mr. Ahok has a lot of experience in governing territories. This type of leader will tread lightly for fear that the slightest mistake will become a big problem and thus their policies will be more accurate. Keep on going, Mr.Ahok, the people need to prosper, the people need health services, the 12 year mandatory education must be realized, for all children of school age, wherever they are, school must be free of charge and guaranteed by the provincial administrations.
    • lepug
      November 1, 2014 @ 06:11:39AM
    • Keep moving forward, Mr. Ahok.
    • dartoevamats
      October 31, 2014 @ 12:10:54PM
    • A leader can be of any religion, what matters is that they are honest and work for the people. But, if there is one that hates, then it is not a good religion.
    • dartoevamats
      October 31, 2014 @ 12:10:51PM
    • God likes honest and hardworking leaders for the sake of the people, and leaders who don't discriminate between religions, just like Prophet Muhammad, the greatest prophet in this world and the afterlife.
    • hendra
      October 31, 2014 @ 06:10:37AM
    • Ahok, lead Jakarta with no reservations, 100 million people are behind you. Bravo, Ahok!
    • Jonathan Imbir
      October 31, 2014 @ 03:10:05AM
    • If it turns out deputy governor Ahok does not become governor of the Jakarta Special Capital Region because of a referendum for a gubernatorial election, then we common people ask that the same rule be implemented in all territories, from Sabang to Merauke to be fair.
    • Yanto
      October 31, 2014 @ 01:10:22AM
    • FPI really needs to disband. Indonesian Muslims are courteous. Why would you claim to be Muslim when you wreck things? Wake up, bro!
    • Diky wijaya
      October 30, 2014 @ 11:10:03PM
    • Whoever they might be, if they really were elected and worthy of leading the Jakarta Special Capital Region, we must give them our full support for the future good and advancement of the Jakarta Special Capital Region. Keep going, Mr. Ahok, the Indonesian people are behind you.
    • hendra
      October 30, 2014 @ 08:10:28PM
    • Bravo, Ahok, onward! Show us your ability to serve Jakarta in the eyes of the public. Continue in the footsteps of Jokowi.
      October 30, 2014 @ 05:10:26PM
    • FPI are not followers of Islamic teachings, they follow the teachings of the Devil, truly cursed. The afterlife will bring misery to the nation and country.
    • sutoyo
      October 30, 2014 @ 05:10:15PM
    • Our friends in FPI need to learn the 3 Ls - Learning to know, Learning to be and Learning to live together. Interpret this yourselves.
    • sLatifah
      October 30, 2014 @ 11:10:19AM
    • In Islamic law, it is true that non-Muslims cannot become the leader of Muslims. But, we live in a multicultural country with various religions so whether we like it or not we must abide by the law. Allah knows best, may Allah always keeps us away from all things that bring us harm.
    • pinandojo
      October 30, 2014 @ 06:10:33AM
    • If anyone wants to protest Ahok, it should be because he is arrogant, cruel, unjust, corrupt, an adulterer, does not help improve the prosperity of the people, schoolchildren, transportation, does not fix the roads, does not ensure clean water supplies, not paying attention to security and sufficient wages, then I would agree. If you reject Ahok's leadership only because he is a Christian, whew, the world will condemn it except for the FPI, Al-Qaeda, ISIS. Remember Sunan Kudus and his tolerance towards Hindus, it was such that in Kudus Muslims were forbidden from sacrificing cows/oxen and used buffaloes as a substitute! Hopefully FPI will read more science and try to live in harmony with fellow humans of different religions. Allah willing, they will receive blessings and guidance.
    • tita
      November 1, 2014 @ 04:11:27AM
    • I completely agree with your opinion.
    • yono kadobik
      November 5, 2014 @ 06:11:00AM
    • I agree with your comment.
    • tamlieho
      October 30, 2014 @ 05:10:04AM
    • Habib by name only, but in actuality he does not understand Islamic teachings. I don't know where he got his teachings, because all he can do is cause trouble.
    • wahana
      November 4, 2014 @ 05:11:00AM
    • Habib is a fake, probably a product of a bamboo shack, not a Pesantren, bro.
    • abdulmalan
      October 30, 2014 @ 04:10:39AM
    • Don't look at his religion, look at his honesty, his intentions, his sincerity in building Jakarta. He is of Chinese descent but his regional budget built flats for the people who are mostly Muslims. I am really embarrassed as a Muslim to see a non-Muslim leader improve the lives of my people, so they can live in flats. Take a look at yourself, FPI, what have you you done for Jakarta?
    • irfan chamami
      November 3, 2014 @ 02:11:38AM
    • Right, right, right.
    • bhuto
      October 30, 2014 @ 03:10:24AM
    • Keep on going, Mr. Ahok, prove that you are a leader of quality and honesty, our prayers are with you.
    • October 30, 2014 @ 03:10:54AM
    • As long as there are good intentions and goodwill, why can't we respect a leader of a different faith? In any case, there is no doubt as to his capability.
    • hida
      October 30, 2014 @ 12:10:35AM
    • I approve of whoever becomes leader, what matters is where they take this country with respect to the nation's aspirations and the nation's ideology.
    • putra pasundan
      October 29, 2014 @ 11:10:24PM
    • I am a Muslim, I don't hate FPI but I don't like, I really don't like, its methods. Stop using the name of religion for specific interests. Islam is beautiful, Islam is peaceful and Islam is a noble religion.
    • S P Dana
      October 29, 2014 @ 08:10:11PM
    • A leader should be an example of good character from the way they act and what they say and do not cause problems. Ahok is arrogant, he says whatever he likes, unfiltered like a thug. What is so great about Ahok? What did he achieve when he was in Bangka Belitung? If he was not backed by the Gerindra Party he would not have become deputy governor. In the gubernatorial elections, the people of Jakarta elected Jokowi, not Ahok. What has Ahok achieved while he was deputy governor? There are problems with the Transjakarta buses, Jakarta continues to experience traffic jams and floods. Dealing with the parking situation in an arrogant manner, deflating the tires of motorcycles and cars, having them towed. Street vendors are displaced, a solution that hurts the vendors who work to live. The organization of employee affairs in Jakarta is being shuffled around by auctions of official positions (district heads, village heads, school principals, office echelons etc.) All of those are someone's office and career, there is a process, not an auction. This violates the ministerial regulations and laws that apply. Remember that Jokowi-Ahok became governor and deputy governor through a political process. If Ahok wants to be governor it should be through a political process also. I agree that a referendum be held right now by the people of Jakarta for a gubernatorial election.
    • Muslimin
      November 1, 2014 @ 11:11:11AM
    • Ahok is not an arrogant person, idiot, what comes out of his mouth are real (true), everything he says. For example: tardiness is understandable if you want to get fired, the Trans buses are not problematic but he wants to provide modes of transportation that are good and up-to-date so that people who leave for work can arrive on time. The traffic jams and floods and also the illegal parking in Jakarta is due to the people's ignorance, think about that first before talking, boss.
    • evi
      November 5, 2014 @ 04:11:28AM
    • Do not close your eyes to the greatness and courage of Ahok. The floods, and Jakarta's traffic jams are not Ahok's fault. Jakarta has always suffered from floods and traffic jams. Now, if you want the floods and traffic jams alleviated, then all the people of Jakarta should support the programs of Jakarta's government. Don't just criticize everything, as if you're so smart.
    • Cah ndeso
      October 29, 2014 @ 07:10:32PM
    • Pay no attention to protests by the FPI who have always behaved like thugs and are self-righteous. Jakarta does not belong to FPI, the only thing FPI has is bad attitude and behavior with the Islamic religion as justification. We need to ask which Islam that is.
    • jersie wiradinata
      October 29, 2014 @ 10:10:46AM
    • Why do matters of religion become problems in Indonesia? Is it not Unity in Diversity that is written across the talons of the Garuda bird? To be united despite being different in this beloved country?
    • epesus
      October 29, 2014 @ 08:10:29AM
    • Greetings to you, Mr. Ahok, in this country of Indonesia, there are no majorities or minorities. What is recognized by the 1945 Constitution are the 5 biggest (not smallest) religions. People who feel that they are the majority, have the wrong mindset.
    • martinus
      October 31, 2014 @ 03:10:42AM
    • Mr. Ahok, if you can, make the Capital Region better to prove it and in 5 or 10 years I will elect you as president instead of those ridiculous politicians and FPI.
    • elly Chanty
      October 29, 2014 @ 06:10:40AM
    • Spirit of excellence, Mr. Ahok. Jesus Christ bless you.
    • nazaruddin
      October 29, 2014 @ 05:10:42AM
    • Because the government is always acting unfairly, especially the bureaucracy which always makes it hard for the little people. For instance, to this day we do not know what will become of the the appointment of the K2 when they have served since 2004. There are even those who started from the year 2000. I pity those who have been jerked around by bureaucrats.
    • dono sajarwo
      October 29, 2014 @ 05:10:26AM
    • Anyone can comment but don't force your will.
    • muslimin
      November 1, 2014 @ 11:11:26AM
    • What do you mean, sir, I don't understand.
    • rifqi
      October 29, 2014 @ 04:10:30AM
    • Sometimes we feel that we are great and that others are weak but have we ever reflected on how our lives are like at this moment?
    • sabam
      October 29, 2014 @ 03:10:31AM
    • FPI, wake up, how beautiful it is to live in plurality. But, all of this depends on the officials of this country, from the highest to the lowest. If they show us how good it is to live peacefully in diversity, the people would follow suit. For example, how great was it to see the people's celebration of Jokowi's inauguration at Monas, with prayers led by Hazim Muzadi alongside religious figures from various faiths.
    • abdul
      October 29, 2014 @ 01:10:32AM
    • Indonesia does not use Islamic law and therefore does not require its leaders to be Muslim.
    • putu asiagama
      October 29, 2014 @ 01:10:53AM
    • My question is whether a social organization should be able to determine which officials get elected. If that is true then there would be no need for local or general elections.
    • Normanedy
      October 29, 2014 @ 12:10:51AM
    • Indonesia is not an Islamic country so anyone could have the right to govern this country without regards to ethnicity. What is certain is that FPI should be disbanded, they put on the facade of religion but have the hearts of devils.
    • yono
      October 28, 2014 @ 06:10:05PM
    • As long as a leader, wherever they are from, of whatever ethnicity, if they are democratically elected by the people and have a conscience and a noble heart, then they are the best leader.
    • yono
      October 28, 2014 @ 06:10:52PM
    • In the Realm of Barza, groups or communities are not recognized, because the judged ones are Muslims who are faithful and obedient to the commands of Allah SWT and people who neglect the commands of Allah SWT.
    • sutrisno adiwiryo
      October 28, 2014 @ 05:10:00PM
    • The nation and people of Indonesia should be grateful that we have Ahok, who is intelligent with a Unity in Diversity outlook. I support you, onward.
    • RUDY
      October 28, 2014 @ 09:10:35AM
    • FPI deserves to be disbanded. FPI movement is messing up Indonesia. The government must firmly handle organizations that often cause unrest.
    • Djabumir
      October 28, 2014 @ 07:10:29AM
    • This country is a democratic country. Jakarta is the benchmark for all the territories from Sabang to Merauke. FPI rejects Ahok as DKI 1, even if this happens, we fear that in the regions where minorities are the majority, the minorities will act the same. Ahok, prove that minorities can lead this country. TYB.
    • Junaidi, B
      October 27, 2014 @ 01:10:01PM
    • Why has FPI become such narrow minded and evil people? They bicker about religion and race. Even though Ahok is a non-Muslim, he is a son of and was born in Indonesia. Onward, Ahok, we are also Muslims of Jakarta and we support you in the Office of DKI 1. FPI, do not cause unrest and riots in the name of Islam. Islam is beautiful and is not meant to be tainted by a handful of hypocrites chanting Allah is Great. Prophet Muhammad SAW never taught us to make enemies but to exercise religious tolerance. Only humans can have evil and jealous hearts.
    • Silanno Romans
      October 27, 2014 @ 10:10:22AM
    • Our nation would advance if we eliminate differences issue because no good can come of continuing on like this. To forward thinking people, differences are a blessing so that we can complement each other. If we had united, our country would have long been advanced. The strange thing is that the country is constantly arguing about religion. In the end, many people suffer. Let us support each other, whoever it is, we give them support so that we can compete with other countries in this world.
    • Rosida
      October 27, 2014 @ 10:10:16AM
    • Mr. Ahok, show us that you are capable to lead the city of Jakarta better with a foundation of love, joy, peace, patience, generosity, goodness, loyalty, gentleness and self control. Continue on and show us your best. God Bless You.
    • sirait surya dharma
      October 27, 2014 @ 09:10:58AM
    • Why does FPI always think itself to be the most righteous in this country and feel as if they are the most Islamic. Look at how the go about their protests, nothing more than terrorists who think that we are not a country under law. It would be better if FPI is disbanded because they have gone against the will of the country's founders.
    • edhi
      October 27, 2014 @ 09:10:11AM
    • Indonesia has the most Muslims in the world and therefore it does not need defense or protection from organizations like FPI because Muslims are under the protection of Allah SWT. So, in my opinion, the actions and deeds of FPI who tend to impose their will with Islam as justification, has often harmed the public. Therefore they must be disbanded like its branch in Central Kalimantan. FPI will not be embraced by the people because it is all brawn and no brains. They should be known as Faction Pandering to Imams, so arrest the FPI Imams and FPI will disband on its own.
    • tengkumustafa
      October 26, 2014 @ 11:10:17PM
    • It is true that it is no longer the time for that. Today, differences no longer matter, what matters is unity. Have we forgotten the era of the Dutch, when we were thrown into disarray by the Dutch?
    • setia
      October 26, 2014 @ 11:10:00AM
    • FPI uses symbols and claims to act in the name of Islam. In reality, their mindsets and actions do not reflect the Islamic religion, the religion that is a blessing for all of creation. What if it is all deception by the Jews, the primary enemy of Muslims. How stupid is FPI.
    • yohanis sondakh
      October 26, 2014 @ 08:10:01AM
    • Sad isn't it? Every time there is an Indonesian official who wants to work honestly, they are hated by many people. Where is the nation of Indonesia headed? Keep it up Ahok, for the prosperity of the Indonesian nation.
    • Jonathan Imbir
      October 31, 2014 @ 03:10:57AM
    • Thank you my noble Muslim brothers who have supported Ahok and have hated the anarchic ways of FPI.
    • Lyza
      October 26, 2014 @ 02:10:59AM
    • What you sow is what you reap. Go forth, Mr. Ahok, be accountable for your work in the court of the Almighty God. God Bless You.
    • Haryanto
      October 25, 2014 @ 11:10:36PM
    • In truth, we do not need to pay attention to this issue because our constitution clearly states that should a governor become unable to continue/resigns/is terminated because they violate the constitution, then the deputy will become governor. Let's take a step back, we look to the future, when our leaders fall short, we remind them and give them advice in a constitutional way, not through anarchy.
    • fachrudin
      October 25, 2014 @ 10:10:46PM
    • Only FPI in Jakarta are protesting non-Muslim leadership. Why is this issue always being blown out of proportion? The point is that Ahok is also an Indonesian citizen and has the right to serve our country. During the colonial times, the ethnic Chinese people even assisted and also fought for our Independence. So there is no need to mobilize a mob to go on a protest.
    • suararakyattapteng
      October 25, 2014 @ 09:10:18PM
    • This is Indonesia, man.
    • nadya rachita
      October 25, 2014 @ 06:10:27AM
    • This is a result of rules made by humans, ignoring the rules of God. Muslims must wake up.
    • nurledi
      October 25, 2014 @ 03:10:20AM
    • Making issues of differences is so over. Peace is beautiful, let us respect and be grateful for the diversity of society in Indonesia. This country does not belong to Abdul or Aseng or Petrus, rather, Indonesia belongs to us all. Don't look at quantity but look at quality. Let us build this country with work, work and work.
    • Doni Tefa
      October 24, 2014 @ 10:10:15PM
    • Greetings my brothers in the FPI, Ahok was elected in accordance with the proper regulations because he has good capabilities and commitment to carry out his duties. Give him a chance to work, and if in the course of his duty he proves to be incapable of realizing his commitment and is inconsistent, there are regulations for that. Why should we act in anarchy to impose our will? Let us join hands to support the children of this nation who have a clear commitment to the welfare of the people, not join hands to destroy the nation's order, which was built by our freedom fighters. Peace always, bro.
    • Basudewa
      October 24, 2014 @ 07:10:52PM
    • It is time we use reason and realize the reality that we cannot live by ourselves in our own groups. Take a look at the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the vehicles we use, the houses we live in -- which are all made possible by many people from many religious groups. Are the FPI naked, without motorcycles and homeless? Wake up, FPI, your actions are the actions of the Devil. Allah created differences to complement each other, not for brutes who do not know their place.
    • H La Hamisu
      October 24, 2014 @ 06:10:48PM
    • The FPI has no right to bring the Islam name in their demonstrations. How many members does FPI have and how many Muslims are there in Jakarta? How could they claim to represent the Muslims of Jakarta as a whole? The chant "Allah is Great" should bring peace and serenity but when it comes from the mouths of the FPI, all that lie in their path gets destroyed. Is this what Islam is?
    • wawa wahyudin
      October 24, 2014 @ 11:10:36AM
    • The ideology of our country is Pancasila and the first principle is clearly Belief in the Almighty God. Hasn't it been established that there are 5 acknowledged religions in our country? Aren't we all deficient save for those who have faith and are virtuous (for those who are Muslims)?
    • thortor
      October 24, 2014 @ 05:10:34AM
    • Learn with a good attitude, the non-native citizens have control over the economy. Don't play with fire, they have calculated everything from all angles.
    • Novia Susanti
      October 23, 2014 @ 06:10:33PM
    • FPI is no different than vigilante thugs (anarchists). Do they actually think that Jakarta belongs to them? They're using religion as a facade for committing crime. Prove that Islam is beautiful and loves peace. Do you know the meaning of tolerance? Disband FPI, they are nothing but troublemakers for the country of Indonesia. Long live Mr. Ahok. TYB
    • koes.sudiarto
      October 22, 2014 @ 09:10:25AM
    • All Indonesian citizens have the same rights. Why doesn't FPI think about how differences are a blessing from the Almighty? That peace is beautiful? Why do they pursue only their own ends? Cause unrest? These days we have moved past talking about differences, let us unite and build the nation.
    • ruslin
      October 28, 2014 @ 08:10:41AM
    • It is very likely that our friends in the FPI have a deficient understanding of life, what it is to be a nation and country. All orations at every protest have something to do with issues of religion and race. If all of this is the platform, I as a Muslim condemn it. Indonesia exists, not as a result of just us Muslims, but also the fight of our forefathers whose religions we do not know. With that, let us respect that as our background. Religion is a faith, and the country is the unifier of Indonesia.
    • Sundoro
      October 22, 2014 @ 02:10:57AM
    • The nation of Indonesia should be proud to have a leader like Ahok who is intelligent, courageous, without ill will and religious. I hope we will have more people like Ahok so Indonesia will achieve progress, prosperity and will be formidable in the eyes of other nations. Don't hate people who are without hatred, especially without a clear reason.
    • gugun
      October 22, 2014 @ 01:10:31AM
    • Are FPI really Muslims or not? From what I've seen, they are brutes, they have no sense of decency. Does Islam teach the behaviors exhibited by people like the FPI? We think it would be better if FPI is just disbanded rather than have them continue to cause mayhem. They are people without reason, in other words, crazy and of the dajjal like their father, the Devil.
    • wawan
      October 22, 2014 @ 01:10:09AM
    • Let Ahok work first, if Islam really want to emerge as a leader, prove it first. Prepare recruits who are honest, not only those who only damage the good name of Islam. The Minister of religious affairs is corrupt, corruption surrounds the Qur'an budget, hajj funds were stolen. Do not taint religion, do not use religion as a weapon to achieve bad goals.
    • ferdinandus florianus
      October 22, 2014 @ 01:10:53AM
    • It is time that we put an end to heretical philosophies and acts that reek of tribal, religious, racial, and groups prejudice. We are all citizens of the nation who have the same rights and obligations, in line with the spirit of the nation's founders.
    • dewa gede artha
      October 21, 2014 @ 09:10:52PM
    • Would it be wrong for this country to be led by a non-Muslim? Remember, Indonesia was built by non-Muslims. What can I say about FPI? Every time they go about their destructive ways they call out Allah is Great, and so on.
    • Madah
      October 17, 2014 @ 10:10:50AM
    • As far as I know, the architect of the Istiqlal Mosque is a Christian. The composer of the Indonesia Raya national anthem is W. R. Supratman who was also a Christian. Wouldn't we be feeling calm and peaceful in this beloved Indonesia if all the children of the nation appreciated and respected each other?
    • azhar masry mecy
      October 21, 2014 @ 08:10:30PM
    • That's the great thing about the Indonesian nation: a high level of tolerance, no recriminations, and people are not killing each other, minorities are loved, there is no arrogance on the part of the majority. Mr. Ahok, carry out your duties well. We are the people of Jakarta, the majority of whom are not anti-Chinese. Let those narrow minded groups have their demonstrations and refrain from anarchy.
    • matius
      October 17, 2014 @ 10:10:36AM
    • Ahok has to be DKI 1. He is the best. FPI does not like it because in the eyes of the people FPI are always causing trouble. If FPI is bold enough, close down the discotheques in Jakarta and kick out the people inside, you do not send Ahok away from Jakarta. How is it that FPI cannot tell between who is sinful and who is not? Long live Ahok. God Bless You.
    • jeckky jekson
      October 12, 2014 @ 04:10:14AM
    • Ahok became the Deputy of DKI 1 as a result of the direct election by the people of the Special Capital Region for the 2012-2017 period. He will be governor from 2012-2017. People from FPI, FBR, FUI, Haji Lulung, Taufik from Gerindra do not approve, they follow Islamic Law and question the 1945 Constitution and the 2008 Law No. 12. However, didn't also fellow Muslims the ones who approve those laws?
    • Ashari
      October 9, 2014 @ 03:10:15AM
    • I think that every citizen has equal standing in the face of the law and is obligated to abide by the law without exception. As far as we know, Ahok possesses a high commitment in his duties and obligations. It is best to wait and see, give him a chance to prove himself. If he doesn't, you can do whatever you want with him. Okay?

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The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) does not represent Muslims.

Photo Essay

 Worshippers read from the Qur'an at Jakarta's Istiqlal Grand Mosque on May 4th, as part of

Hardliners threaten tolerance in Indonesia

Indonesia's tradition of moderate, tolerant Islam is under threat by hard-line groups who are imposing their conservative views on others and intimidating religious minorities.