Some experts believe that, as home to more Muslims than any country in the world, Indonesia belongs at the global forefront of the battle to destroy influence of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
"Indonesia has a moral responsibility," Bambang Pranowo, executive director of the Institute of Islamic Studies and Peace at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, told Khabar Southeast Asia.
"First of all, we have the largest Muslim population in the world. Second, we have a responsibility to defend our country from any violence committed in the name of religion . This is a big task not only for Muslims but also all non-Muslims. All Indonesian citizens are responsible for this."
He added that Indonesians could serve as an example for the rest of the world. "If we are successful preventing ISIS's ideology from spreading and if all Indonesian Muslims reject ISIS's ideology, we will continue to inspire the world to act against ISIS," said Bambang.
Amid reports of more Indonesian jihadists trying to get to the Middle East, Bambang suggested the government attack the problem at its root by more closely following radicals newly released from prison .
"We need to co-operate with them and ensure that they are well accepted by the community and therefore, will not return to their militant groups. It is also important to provide them with some skills for living and jobs, some care for their family, while they are looking for more opportunities," Bambang said.
Escalating monitoring
State Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Marciano Norman said Indonesia can help the world by first confronting ISIS at home.
"ISIS is a threat to the world," he said. "Therefore, whatever we can do to prevent the movement in our country is an effort to further promote and preserve the world's peace."
Marciano said Indonesians must remain vigilant as ISIS would try to use the country's diversity to splinter it.
"The country with hundreds of different languages and cultures can easily be broken up unless each citizen agrees to continue to be united under the Republic of Indonesia. We have had this strength in the past and should continue to embrace it today," he told Khabar.
Jakarta cleric Zaelani Rahmat told Khabar he is prepared to fight ISIS ideology and prevent its spread.
"The role of religious leaders or clerics is huge among schools, especially Islamic schools , study groups or other community organisations. We need to ensure that ISIS will not survive in Indonesia," Zaelani told Khabar.
He added that religious leaders are essential in providing proper interpretations of Islam to Muslims.
"ISIS is not in accordance with Islam. All of their actions are contradictory to Islamic teachings. We need to let Muslims know about this. More importantly, religious leaders are responsible for providing the correct teachings of Islam. That means teaching according to the Qur'an," Zaelani said.
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