Seven Filipinos killed in Algeria siege

January 25, 2013
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MANILA, Philippines – The Foreign Affairs Department confirmed Thursday (January 24th) that a seventh worker from the Philippines was killed in last week's siege at a remote natural gas plant in the Algerian desert, AFP reported.

  • Crisostomo Carabio, left, and Ramon Tertosa, right, are mobbed by media at Manila's international airport Wednesday (January 23rd). The two Filipino labourers worked at the Algerian gas plant seized by Islamic militants on January 21st. They among four Filipinos not taken hostage and who escaped. Seven other Filipinos were killed. [Ted Aljibe/AFP]

    Crisostomo Carabio, left, and Ramon Tertosa, right, are mobbed by media at Manila's international airport Wednesday (January 23rd). The two Filipino labourers worked at the Algerian gas plant seized by Islamic militants on January 21st. They among four Filipinos not taken hostage and who escaped. Seven other Filipinos were killed. [Ted Aljibe/AFP]

As of Monday, six had been confirmed dead.

In announcing the latest victim's killing, Foreign Affairs spokesman Raul Hernandez said most had "died of gunshot wounds and the effects of explosions".

Additionally as of Thursday, four Filipinos not taken hostage and who escaped have returned to the Philippines. Four workers remain missing and four more are in hospital recovering from injuries sustained either during the raid by Islamic militants or Saturday's rescue operation by Algerian security forces.

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