Indonesia gives human trafficker 7 years

January 29, 2014
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JAKARTA, Indonesia – A court Tuesday (January 28th) jailed a human trafficker for seven years after he arranged an asylum boat voyage to Australia that sank, killing 90, AFP reported.

  • Javaid Mahmood (right) received a seven year prison sentence Tuesday (January 28th) for organising a human-trafficking voyage in which 90 people drowned. [Bay Ismoyo/AFP]

    Javaid Mahmood (right) received a seven year prison sentence Tuesday (January 28th) for organising a human-trafficking voyage in which 90 people drowned. [Bay Ismoyo/AFP]

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Chief judge Nasir Simanjuntak told the East Jakarta District Court that Pakistani Javaid Mahmood had caused the "loss of many lives" by organising the June 2012 voyage to Australia's Christmas Island. The sentence was three years lighter than the ten sought by prosecutors.

He was also found to have organised a second voyage there last February, which arrived safely.

"The defendant Javaid Mahmood has been proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing people-smuggling activities," the judge said.

He also ordered Mahmood to pay a fine of Rp. 800m ($65,900).

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