Muslim leaders denounce Yogyakarta hate speech

June 11, 2014
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YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia – Muslim leaders and activists Monday (June 9th) called a speech made by Ja'far Umar Talib the day before provocative and misleading, local media reported.

Ja'far, a former commander of the now-defunct Laskar Jihad paramilitary group, said Islam was "a religion of war" and called on Muslims to wage jihad against "infidels" and pluralism, in a lecture at Masjid Gedhe in Kauman.

"Provocative preaching that stirs up violence has to be stopped. We need a secure situation to make the upcoming presidential election a success," Abdul Mu'thi, secretary of the central executive board of Muhammadiyah, said Monday, according to The Jakarta Post.

Abdul Muhaimin, the owner of Nurul Ummahat Islamic boarding school in Kotagede, Yogyakarta urged Muslim to ignore the message, saying, "It's not preaching. It's provocation."

Mosque manager Budi Setiawan expressed regret the speech didn't comply with its specified theme, Tempo reported. He received many audience complaints, Budi said, especially since the lecture took place at a mosque that belongs to the Sultanate of Yogyakarta.

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    • alexleo
      June 20, 2014 @ 06:06:06PM
    • On the contrary, Mr. Cleric, it is Islam that spreads peace across the universe.
    • Jundi
      June 12, 2014 @ 02:06:33AM
    • Either the thinking is wrong or it was not conveyed the right way. Islam is a blessing for all creation, not a religion of war but of peace and aggressive against evils. Spreading the faith should be done gently, motivating through goodness and keep it in line with the purpose of spreading the faith without losing its essence.

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