Poso suicide bomber identified

June 20, 2013
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JAKARTA, Indonesia – Police announced Tuesday (June 18th) that a DNA test confirmed the identity of the suicide bomber who blew himself up at a police compound in Poso earlier this month, local media reported.

The bomber, Zainul Arifin, alias Arif Petak, was a member of a cell led by fugitive terrorist Santoso.

"Zainul was associated with an Islamic boarding school in Lamongan, East Java. His wife, Fatimah, works as a kindergarten teacher in Lamongan," said National Police spokesperson Agus Rianto, adding that a sample provided by Zainul's mother confirmed his identity.

Initially, police suspected that the man who drove into the compound's courtyard on a motorbike and detonated the bomb was Basri, alias Bagong, who escaped from a prison in Ampana, Central Sulawesi, in mid-April. He remains at large, Rakyat Merdeka Online reported.

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Do you support campaigns by vigilante groups such as FPI to crack down on bars and restaurants that they believe are violating Islamic norms?

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